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In she responded to a newspaper ad to do some nude modeling. This German hottie modeled as a teenager, including getting a cover on Teen magazine. She was Penthouse magazine's Pet of the Month for June The Ultimate Vivid Guide in which she and other Vivid contract pornstars give advice and tips about sex, and relate anecdotes from their personal sex lives. She has had two breast enlargement surgeries. The photographer liked what he saw and cast her in a porno video.
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In she responded to a newspaper ad to do some nude modeling. This German hottie modeled as a teenager, including getting a cover on Teen magazine. That same year, she signed with Vivid Entertainment. For several years her boyfriend was porn star Bobby Vitale, but they broke up in
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Description: For several years her boyfriend was porn star Bobby Vitale, but they broke up in She has had two breast enlargement surgeries. She claims to have the longest legs in the business and has a ribbon tattoo on her lower back. She held various other jobs before entering the adult industry; making pizza, being a clerk at an arts and crafts store, file clerk and secretary.

Views: 3676 Date: 24.04.2016 Favorited: 5 favorites

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