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One reason, according to a damning Wall Street Journal report, is this: For 10 years, the government has been deliberately lying to us about who is at risk of AIDS.

By Maggie Gallagher So far, AIDS has killed more than 300,000 Americans. 444. Have you ever done any of the following: 132. had sex with someone when there was an age difference of more than 20 years.

Every day between the hours: 23:00 to 10:00 a. He grabbed a knife from the small kitchen at the rear of the chapel, and holding it high in the air.

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Rites explored the interconnections between the lesbian and gay liberation movement, the women's movement , anti-racist struggles, peace activism, the trade union movement, struggles related to class, age and disability , and other liberation struggles, including the fight to end apartheid in South Africa. Scott McArthur and David Adler wrote a ground-breaking column on disability issues in the lesbian and gay community. Disbandment[ edit ] Rites Publishing ceased operation in April , citing a shrinking volunteer workforce and growing debts caused by escalating costs and declining revenues. Rites rejected the sexual libertarian politics of some other lesbian and gay publications that it saw as failing to challenge sexist and racist forms of social power underlying the experiences of women and lesbians and gays of colour. Rites also published extensive cultural reviews of plays, movies and books, including Peter McGehee 's "In My Opinion," a regular cultural review column. Collections of Rites can be found in a number of public libraries in Canada, as well as at the Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives in Toronto.
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Many of the founding members had previously been associated with Pink Ink, a monthly national publication for lesbians and gay men of which five issues were published between July and January Canada - that ultimately led, in , to a landmark Supreme Court of Canada decision interpreting the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms to prohibit discrimination by the state based on sexual orientation. Collections of Rites can be found in a number of public libraries in Canada, as well as at the Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives in Toronto. Social status[ edit ] Rites was an important forum for the publication of Canadian lesbian and gay history , publishing the first interview with Jim Egan , Canada's first public gay activist in the s who initiated a lawsuit — Egan v. Rites' news group[ edit ] Rites' news group — an extensive network of volunteer news correspondents across Canada — produced news articles and shorter news briefs covering, amongst other issues:
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Description: Issues[ edit ] A total of 76 issues of Rites were published — from Vol. Founding[ edit ] The magazine was published in Toronto , Ontario by Rites Publishing and was produced by a non-profit collective. Rites' news group[ edit ] Rites' news group — an extensive network of volunteer news correspondents across Canada — produced news articles and shorter news briefs covering, amongst other issues: Collections of Rites can be found in a number of public libraries in Canada, as well as at the Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives in Toronto.

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