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Remembering Bethany : Part 2

I had thought it was the Xing qu shi the last time but this was all her and it felt heavenly. When I dropped my boxers down and she fished it out, Beth shivered. When she began to moan and shiver, I took off her panties. As I lay down on her, I began to rub the length of my rod against her equally gleaming lower lips and cheeks. A glass bead curtain hung in the doorway to her bedroom. When I pushed my middle finger between her now wet and thick labia into the silken passage of her interior to press up against the back of her clit, she arched her back and clamped her legs together and sucked my tongue into her mouth. I complimented her Hiroshige prints and I said the rest looked very college and hopelessly romantic.
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I was starting to remove my wedding band when she looked out of the bathroom. She abruptly stood up and led me into her bedroom. She blushed and shook her head, but I could tell that she was torn between her repressed libido and her desire to wrap those beautiful ruby lips around my throbbing cock. We traded Swiss tightwad stories and then it was time to eat. I complimented her Hiroshige prints and I said the rest looked very college and hopelessly romantic.
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Description: I was starting to remove my wedding band when she looked out of the bathroom. I stepped forward and swept her up in my arms, she turned her face upward and we were suddenly over caught up in an overwhelmingly passionate kiss. This was the first time I had ever seen her naked and she was breathtaking. I laid her on her back and pushed her back so that her knees were against her chest. Her nipples were prominent and dark, her waist small and her stomach flat sloping down to the dark mystery between her well shaped thighs.

Views: 4178 Date: 17.02.2016 Favorited: 5 favorites

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