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HARTWELL "Life begins at 2: Pam Felton, Paul Leslie, John DeCosta, Jacqueline Moffetf. Football 1; Folk Club 1, 2; Rifle Team 2, 3; Chemistry Club 3; Ski Club 3, 4; Discussion Club 4; Monitor 4. Eddie Dee 63 JUNIOR VARSITY FOOTBALL Coach Sabourin and Bob McGrath 67 69 FIELD HOCKEY VARSITY TEAM Wayland Westwood Maynard Lexington Burlington Acton Wayland Westwood Wilmington Acton SCORES Bedford Opponent 2 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 Coach: Featured audio All Audio latest This Just In Grateful Dead Netlabels Old Time Radio 78 RPMs and Cylinder Recordings. Dietz Mary Jane Belyea, Elizabeth Bissanti, Judy Bryant, Linda Cairns, Randee Carr, Nancy Clark, Mary Conti, Susan Crump, Joanne Curran, Elizabeth Coules, Sarah Davis, Debbie Flanagan, Lana Fisher, Brian Lewis, Nancy Lewis, Cindy Lord, Jean Mazzone, Debbie Monahan. Golf 1; Wrestling 1; Varsity Swimming 1; J.
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The settlers used the land to build the colonial town of Old Dartmouth which encompassed not only present-day Dartmouth , but also present-day New Bedford, Acushnet , Fairhaven , and Westport. The fire station was one of the oldest continuously operating fire stations in the state when it was closed in Media in Providence and New Bedford. In addition, the airport provides a range of general aviation and corporate jet services including aircraft maintenance facilities and flight instruction. Fairhaven separated from New Bedford in , forming an independent town that included both present-day Fairhaven and present-day Acushnet. Of the total area, Besse of New Bedford.
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New Bedford, Massachusetts - Wikipedia

The most famous of these soldiers was William Harvey Carney , who made sure that the American flag never touched the ground during the Union assault on Fort Wagner , South Carolina, near Charleston. Text in the box: Bawdekar, Vaman Bedford, MA. New Bedford natives Hector Barros and Scott Ross were members of the hip-hop group Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch , led by actor Mark Wahlberg.
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New Bedford, Massachusetts

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Description: The free public libraries of Massachusetts. Another blow came with the Whaling Disaster of , in which twenty-two New Bedford whalers were lost in the ice off the coast of Alaska. By the 18th century, entrepreneurs in the area, such as whaling merchants from Nantucket, were attracted to the village and helped make it into one of the top whaling cities in the country. As of the end of the —07 school year, Our Lady of Mt. Population of Urban Places of 10, or more from Earliest Census to

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