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Digital Edition Renew Subscription Give a Gift Subscription Listen Now: Four of her erotica novels and six erotic romance short stories are published through Ravenous Romance. Salt of the Earth parable, no sex. So actually landing the contract and signing it should signal a breakthrough, the end of that awful struggle and onto many more successful novels, right? Most people are illiterate or write them based on pop icons, but this……. I will comment on them as soon as I get the chance. Many erotic romance readers love the genre so much, they turn their hands to writing a novel and some writers are good enough to get published.
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Many of my stories involve young people just discovering their sexuality, sometimes with family members. I have been reading stories on ASSTR for years, and recently decided that I would like to contribute my own works here. Writing for years as a means of expression of philosophical views, only recently deciding to post to ASSTR to preserve the work and encourage alternate thinking to puritanical ideas. Mera nam Raju hai. I enjoy writing stories about people having sex in realistic crossgenre plots with a point. Most of my stories fall in the dark realm of fantasy and horror.
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Views: 3214 Date: 28.11.2015 Favorited: 5 favorites

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+ -
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Very hot , clean looking beauty.
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